Friday, December 11, 2009


I have taken up cooking. reading over some of my old blogs i realized i misspelled my name. I've had a busy day. My dog is laying next to my making odd sounds as she sleeps. i want bologna, but sadly we are out. I want a hug, but suddenly people are gone. summery, I love my life. i wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm not going to go watch TV thank you internet world. sleep well


Thursday, December 10, 2009

in need of a chocolate cake!

Ignoring my blog i can honestly say has only brought disappointment in my own mind. i have been having a lack of inspiration the past few months thanks to TV and the ever popular internet. well i say "NO MORE!" last night i began to clean my room. the cleaner it is the more focused i become. I've started a fast from most of my stuff, since i am to attached to just throw it away which is the first of my problems, but it is a problem i can box away and forget about for a year or two as long as i don't fill that void with more stuff ( which I'm not planning on doing). Well I'm off to bake a cake. I've never been a big fan of baking, cooking or whatever else there is, but i just feel a calling to it today. i hope i don't burn my house down. later and marry christmas