Friday, September 4, 2009

small highlights from my messed up day

never did i think i would hear the harsh words of someone hated hypocrisy as much as me, yet there it was. alot of " you hypocrites" for a guy who's all about the love he wasn't to afraid to tell it like it is in a way so advanced you probably  wouldn't even know he was talking about you.

what and interesting day. pouring a small part of my heart out to someone who says they care but shows as much care as an Amish woman shows ankle. ( see i can make amish jokes and they wont even notice cause its the internet lol) kidding. i love the Amish. they live in the hardest ways yet they make it so simple, i love it.  ANYWAYS poured my heart out about how heart broken i was by the way people had treated me, and it only made me feel worse when this person never say anything near " well i made you feel hurt in any way I'm sorry" nope all i got was an " well people DO care about you" people can care about me till the cows come home honey, but if I'm in such a bad place in my life that i'm so upset i cant see that, maybe your not caring enough, cause all you do is walk around telling those who are fine that they're perfect. why don't we as the body reach out to those who haven't heard the good news? and encourage and  strengthen those who have heard the good news but need a little help along the way. doing more than just acting like your perfect and if you don't act the same way God probably wont let you in to heaven.    

 News flash. we can have faith to move mountains, we can speak in the tongues of men and of angels, we can sell everything we have and give it to the poor, we can work miracles and all kinda of prophecies, BUT if we don't have love, it's nothing!
spread the love to those how need it, dont just save it all up for yourself
spread the love to those who need to hear it, even if that means you dont feel any at all. trust me it's hard but at least you know your living it out the way we where told to.