Friday, December 11, 2009


I have taken up cooking. reading over some of my old blogs i realized i misspelled my name. I've had a busy day. My dog is laying next to my making odd sounds as she sleeps. i want bologna, but sadly we are out. I want a hug, but suddenly people are gone. summery, I love my life. i wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm not going to go watch TV thank you internet world. sleep well


Thursday, December 10, 2009

in need of a chocolate cake!

Ignoring my blog i can honestly say has only brought disappointment in my own mind. i have been having a lack of inspiration the past few months thanks to TV and the ever popular internet. well i say "NO MORE!" last night i began to clean my room. the cleaner it is the more focused i become. I've started a fast from most of my stuff, since i am to attached to just throw it away which is the first of my problems, but it is a problem i can box away and forget about for a year or two as long as i don't fill that void with more stuff ( which I'm not planning on doing). Well I'm off to bake a cake. I've never been a big fan of baking, cooking or whatever else there is, but i just feel a calling to it today. i hope i don't burn my house down. later and marry christmas

Friday, September 4, 2009

small highlights from my messed up day

never did i think i would hear the harsh words of someone hated hypocrisy as much as me, yet there it was. alot of " you hypocrites" for a guy who's all about the love he wasn't to afraid to tell it like it is in a way so advanced you probably  wouldn't even know he was talking about you.

what and interesting day. pouring a small part of my heart out to someone who says they care but shows as much care as an Amish woman shows ankle. ( see i can make amish jokes and they wont even notice cause its the internet lol) kidding. i love the Amish. they live in the hardest ways yet they make it so simple, i love it.  ANYWAYS poured my heart out about how heart broken i was by the way people had treated me, and it only made me feel worse when this person never say anything near " well i made you feel hurt in any way I'm sorry" nope all i got was an " well people DO care about you" people can care about me till the cows come home honey, but if I'm in such a bad place in my life that i'm so upset i cant see that, maybe your not caring enough, cause all you do is walk around telling those who are fine that they're perfect. why don't we as the body reach out to those who haven't heard the good news? and encourage and  strengthen those who have heard the good news but need a little help along the way. doing more than just acting like your perfect and if you don't act the same way God probably wont let you in to heaven.    

 News flash. we can have faith to move mountains, we can speak in the tongues of men and of angels, we can sell everything we have and give it to the poor, we can work miracles and all kinda of prophecies, BUT if we don't have love, it's nothing!
spread the love to those how need it, dont just save it all up for yourself
spread the love to those who need to hear it, even if that means you dont feel any at all. trust me it's hard but at least you know your living it out the way we where told to.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


after turning my room in to what would seem to be a peaceful zen place for me to meditate, and spent some quiet time with the one i love most. i worked out for 34 minutes while watch that 70s show, the felt the need to reenter my room, and write. after getting distracted my what mau just be my new obsession on youtube, i told my self to" knock it off! " cause it's time to blog. i feel like no one reads this, which bums me alittle. i mean i dont expect people to really care, but it would be nice to know im not just typing to a blank world of nothingness filled with people who's lives are so chaotic that they cant just take a second and breath some fresh air and look up at the clouds. on saturday i was reminiscing with a friend about the book 1984 written by george orwell, and i was thinking how true so many of his points where. how many people just live their lives doing what they are told? and who is telling us what to do? the government? a little. society. a bit. but how much of what we live is really in OUR HANDS? from my point of view, and my beliefs as a follower of christ. God gave us life, and gave us free will to do whatever we want in life. and we can choose to live for him. or live for ourself. those tho choose to live for themselves, overtime get in a habit. go to work. eat. read. talk. go home. eat. watch tv. spend some time with the spouse. brush teeth. go to bed. repeat. over all that life seams dreary to me, no point even. but living my life for some one who gave their life FOR me, sound like more of a dreary thing to do. but it never gets old. as my life for hims moves forward, it seams so much more fulfilling than the life i led for my own enjoyment. there's not a dull moment, not a moment with our hope, joy, eternal love, and comfort knowing WHATEVER happens he will take care of me. i thank God for my life. im gonna live it to the fullest. how about you?
child of the king 

Saturday, August 22, 2009


take time out of your day some time and stare intently at a used up old napkin, think of it's feelings, how hurt it must be. understand that napkin? i sure do. the world is a cruel, but at least a i have a few great friends to pull me thru, with out them.... well i don't know where id be

thank you
love worthless piece of trash girl

Friday, August 21, 2009

a day in the life of a world of chances...

You've got a face for a smile, you know
A shame you waste it
When you're breaking me slowly but Ive

Got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances
Chances that you're burning through

I've got a paper and pen
I go to write a goodbye
And thats when I know I've

Got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances, for you
I've got a world of chances
Chances that you're burning through...

such a true song. Don't you hate it when you give someone so many chances and they just keep repeating the same crime? What can you do? well I find songs :)

God is good,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

driving under the influence of awesomeness!

though the day started out one day then quickly changed to me have a bad mood for no reason at all, good or bad, suddenly i felt free, independent, light spirited and mature. i felt like i could be on my own and not only survive perfectly but also be happy! it was a wonderful feeling, tho having to drive with my dad to the store just to pick a few things i needed was a bit of downer. i cant want until i can drive all on my own. i've gotten to this point where driving is like all i think about, 3 months ago i couldn't care less about driving and now all i want is the freedom to drive all alone. i wonder why i never got a permit sooner. but im glad i waited. i feel so ready. this feels like the birth of a new Emily, and Emily i want to last for ever. up to who ever reads this to hold me to that at least until the year is out. got that?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A day in the life of...a jesus follower

Only You...
"and I will worship you Lord, Only You Lord
And I will bow down to you Lord only you Lord...
It's just you and me here and now, Only you and me here and now."

God is so good. You never realize how awesome/amazing/fantastic he really is until he hits ya in the face. Now, this is a good beating (haha) because while I was sitting there thinking of what songs to play for the worship night at a friends I felt God say... play this one (only you) and here I am thinking practically, no one knows this song, I barely know it so I ignored the feeling. Then worship time rolled around and I needed something to play, and I needed the confidence to play it alone, sing loud, and lead. I may not have done my best, but to me I did. I over came a confidence fear and just did it. I played the song like three in and it clicked for me, then we did a lesson and each prayed for eachother. This was really powerful for me because you get to hear YOUR PEERS pray. People were so kind and just encouraged me to no end! I felt so lifted and decided that I was supposed to play the song one more time, so I took a leap of faith and did it. It was awesome all the voices flowed together so beautifully and even though we each had our flaws they meshed together and it felt perfect, I could feel the holy spirit running through my vains.
Oh what a night...such a good, good night

Love ya all,


o the tales of a bored lass

not much is new since my last update,I got a blister after roller skating to much with friends, and laughing as my friends fell down as little kids a 1/3 they're size went rolling by doing al sorts of neat tricks. the blister is worth it though considering all the fun i had. it's a good stress reliever, hanging out with some good friends, you don't really have to say anything just skate, skate all your problems away for the 3 hour that your there. there's this woman at the skate rink, i see her very week. she's a skate dancer, i guess is what you'd call it. she does all these cool tricks, she's and older woman but that doesn't seem to stop all my young guy friends from thinking she's hot stuff. I've never talked to her, but in my mind i know her. that sounds a lot weirder than i meant it. i mean she doesn't seam to care what people think. she puts her whole life towards her hobby, her staking, her life. watching her put so much in to something that brings her so much joy, encourages me.  i really don’t know what else to say, or write.  dont even know what’s going on in my mind. i a buzz, there’s so much going on around me. in my brian and in the room around me. i wish i had one topic.  i wish i was righting strictly about food, or shopping or fashion, something more specific  than just my thoughts. honestly, my thoughts scare me. i don’t know what to think. i don’t know which side of the story is the side i should take. i don’t even know why i’m writting all this. i just don’t know. 

call me a crazy. cause i am. 

                                love crazy MLE

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A day in the life of a good friend...

Today I experienced both the highs and the lows of friendship. Have you ever had a friend be honest with you and it just rips you apart, but you try and hold it out? Well it happened to me... It felt as if I was fighting a surprise battle, the oppenent snuck up on me and gave me a hard blow to the ribs that just made me shrink in my boots. Being stabbed in the heart at a surprise that you didn't expect to come. or like food poisoning, it's a surprise that hurts and you expect it to be better after you blow it all out but then there are the after effects and pains. but it was her honest feelings and it's gonna take me along time to absorb all that information and take it in...
On a positive note I hung out at the local skating rink and had a blast, I realized my friends are fun to groove to songs we don't know and get down with our crazy selves and they weren't embarrassed! God has truly blessed me with great friends (and friends mom's ( know who u are )
thx guys for the good day

ps I will take to heart what you (she) said. ily girly <3

Monday, August 17, 2009

a day in the life of... a world overcomer

How does it feel...?
how does it feel to be turned down, dumped, belittled by a giant?
how does it feel to run and lift and work and see no result?
how does it feel to be different and the only one who DOESN'T want a bf?
how does it feel to go to a none normal school and no one understands?
how does it feel to be a christian and try so hard but continue to disapoint?
my answer to this is...

"Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."-1 John 5:5

how does it feel to overcome the world...i'll get back to you...

Work through the pain.

Of all the tortures in the world, in my opinion worst would be math. I'm sitting here trying to dry my eyes after a HORRIBLE meltdown in front of my teachers and my peers. you'd think id be use to it by now. Im not. Melt downs seam to ruin my whole day, but not today. my new mind set is like wearing water wings when your in a deep pool, you still feel like your drowning when all the waves the kindergartners made are hitting you in the face, but thanks to the handy-dandy bring orange water wings you mom made you wear, your gonna be okay. Im not going to let this get me down, and Im not going to let these melt downs continue,I'm gonna make the best of my life. i may not be so good at math, but that doesn't mean Im dumb,it just gives me a great goal i need to work at, and in the end i will become much stronger than i was. 

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A day in the life of a movie character

each one is different. They all have different stories: sad, happy, terrible, thrilling, each dragging us along until we feel as if we have left reality and escaped to another world. This place is one where we can feel for the character and forget all that is going on and just escape.
oh how I love movies...

shopping carts are all fun and games until someone ALMOST loses a finger!

Realizing I had not yet blogged today, I set my game controller down, waiting for my frail character to heal, and think why not type out a little thought bubble? So here I am, sitting, thinking, typing.... nothing of importance. The importance is getting it done everyday. Oh and what a day I have had! Stared with waking up showering putting my face of and having a friend over to help clean the house, then we went driving though the ally ways behind my house, to pick up something my mother saw and INSISTED upon having. then we went out for a nice dinner at red lobster though i felt to stuffed from an earlier meal to eat anything other than a salad. then went to target and a walked around while pushing my one hundred and sixty-four pound friend in the shopping cart talking as though Ive been an adult for so long. then after more driving in the allies we headed back home to swim in a dark pool filled with light up flowers. It was more peaceful that anything I had ever seen. and before to long I found my self alone in my bedroom plying videos games and failing at them miserably. and i can only wonder what adventures with tomorrow bring, and how do you heat up crab legs?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A day in the life of a.... motivated crazy cleaner

I am not a cleaner.
If it's not clean it will stay that way for a while.
today I was the motivated crazy cleaner.
once I started I was like a robot on repeat, I just kept cleaning and cleaning.
I organized everything in site.
Motivatedmotivation is so rewarding.
I am sitting in my room calm and at peace not only knowing I cleaned my room, but I was MOTIVATED!
I am actually doing what I signed up to do.
I was still not feeling well so I couldn't go to the gym but, I did get a new dog BUDDY!
**Sorry this wasn't exciting**

a day in the life adventurous sicky

As I sit here thinking what to write, I think of what people want to read.
You don't want to read about a girl lying on her bed, sick to her stomach, typing on a keyboard. You want to read about and adventure, a girl lying in pain as her stomach turns she clenches her pillow praying, it will go away. She runs vastly to her cabinet and find the magic blue pill she has been praying, the one to relieve the pain, to vanquish every ounce of hurt streaming through her. As she brings it to her mouth with water rushing behind it she must wait the dreaded thirty minutes before her pain can vanish. She lays trembling on the bed waiting, wishing, hoping for the time to pass...and then the moment strikes, all the pain is no more. She is free to walk, to run, if she feels the need (which is never). The girl who once cried in pain is now free from the burden.

your little sicky,

what if....

as I sit here on my bed, happy that for as little work as I put in on my room it is finally clean enough for me to sew. but there is so much more buzzing around inside me head, random thoughts that tease my attention away from things that matter. I wonder what I would do if one day I awoke in the middle of the night and I found my bedroom walls where bleeding, and then began to speak! I would like to believe that my bedroom walls would be friendly seeing as I've been nothing but good to them over all these years, but I cant help but wonder. 

 getting my thoughts back in order seem to be a tough task. one i have to do all to often, you'd think by now id been good at it. As long as i spent cleaning my room or off playing a video game i couldn't seem to get my mind off this blog. I've always thought my self a fairly good writer, after all i enjoy reading what I've written. I think would my life would be like as a writer, where would i work? How would i do? Would i get fired quickly? I've always enjoyed writing, ever since i could write, id been off writing stories, books tales, though never good enough to get published. 

Sometimes i wish someone out there would read this, someone to see the things I have written and tell me that i have what it takes, that they want me to write something that they could show there publisher, some that that would make my life maybe just a bit more meaningful, a little more useful to someone else out there. sometimes i just feel like I'm all alone, living on a one sided laptop screen, writing to audience of none, just waiting to hear an echo that will never come. bringing my back to my original question. is anybody out there? and just at the moment a second wind of hope sweeps through me, i keep my typing fast, even if it's just to i can hear the wonderful sound of keys being hit, it's almost as if a orchestra was in my room with me, only instead of a symphony of sounds all i hear is my keys creating a masterpiece in my mind, and on my screen. 
this is what inspires me
this is what i live for
this is Emily

Friday, August 14, 2009

a day in the life...of Taylor

I am not a blogger.
I am a girl who wants to be motivated.
I am a girl who wants to live an exciting life and follow my dreams.
Don't we all?
I have come to the conclusion that if I truly am going to follow my dreams it all starts with getting motivated and actually getting up and doing something.

Life is what you make it so do what you can to make it what you want.
Enjoy life.
Live it to the fullest.
Get motivated Period.


is anybody out there? by Emily

The first day of the rest of my life. Such a cliche, but it's true, especially about today. Today is the first day of my first year of motivation. I've never been good at self motivation, but i am motivated to change that.

As I sit her wearing my high waisted blue jeans and decyfer down t-shirt, I ask myself what makes me think any one could care to read about me? The only conclusion I have come to, is that this blog is for me, to keep me accountable, and help me understand who I am, and who i want to become. Any one who takes the time to read this is is risking the chance of being swept up in a mad cloud of crazy, that is my thoughts. I don't know how this plan of motivation is going to turn out, whether it end badly or with a pleasant surprise. I'm sticking with my plans, starting with the cleaning of my living space. It's  hard job to turn it in to the place i want to spend most of my time, but it desperately needs to be done. Though the thought of getting up and cleaning everything off of the floor is sickening enough to make me want to crawl in to bed hiding under the blankets an convince my self Im to sick to clean. It has to be done. And i know i have the power to do it. it funny how, when you dont have the power to do something, you want to. when you do infact have the power, you no longer want to. it puzzles me. let me spend tome time cleaning and thinking about it. ill get back to you with my latest conclusion. good-bye for now

the beginning

a blog about motivation, creation, independence, friends, love and life. from the point of view, of two young women, with wonderful ideas and a desperate love for their hobbies. we may not seem like much, but this blog is a new found part of our lives. here we can pour our souls out, write our deepest thoughts, feelings even our views of the world, mainly for our own sake, and any one who has the desire to read it. 
                                             Taylor and Emily